Most of the women dream for good, firm, non-saggy and sexy breasts. This is very much possible by
- Massaging
- Exercise & Diet
- Breast Enlargement Pump/ Cream
A combination of them would yield better and quicker results.
I recommend a 10 weeks 2 times a day for 40mins massaging procedure. Initially you can learn from masseur, later you can try by your own.
Let’s see how to massage breast in right way :
- Choose right oil combinations - A mix of extra virgin coconut (60%) oil + olive (35%) + tea tree oil (5%) going to bring quantifiable results in few weeks.
- Boil the oil mixture to bearable heat. While boiling, Add a pinch of camphor + 2tbs of honey.
- Free the breast, turn them naked. Wash them with warm water cloth.
- Pick a boob, shake and press it 4 - 5 times. Then pour oil it. Make sure the oil is covered entire boob.
- Take your forefinger and middle finger and form like a gun shape. Then move your fingers from the edges of boob to the center of nipple. And cover entire boob in 360 degree.
- Next, repeat the same procedure with two thumbs, by switching one after other.
- Next, repeat the same procedure with fist facing thumb side to the boob.
- For each procedure repeat 15–20 reps and repeat 3–5times.
- Repeat all the above steps for the second boob.
Next, Consider doing some breast exercises as well.
- Push ups (3 - 5 sets x 15reps)
- Wall push ups (3 - 5 sets x 15reps)
- Dumbbell chest exercises.
Other valuable tips
- Have an orgasm immediately after breast massage or exercise, this will help in further increasing blood circulation to breast. So adding masturbation would really help further.
- Or, The prepared oils very much useful, for yoni massage too, combining breast massage with yoni massage is going to rejuvenate the whole body.
- Keep changing oil combinations for quicker results.
- Don’t wear bra night time or when you’ve enough privacy. The lesser you use bra, the better would be the blood circulation. It also mean, avoid tighter suffocating cloths to breast.
It’s a proud feeling to have good breast size. One must put little efforts to gain the same. Our ancient Ayurveda has defined solutions for any girl’s problem. Paying a little attention to learn and practice them would bring desired results.
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